
Thomas Matthew Crooks The Untold Story Behind the Headlines

Collage featuring Thomas Matthew Crooks with imagery of the CIA, Donald Trump, and symbolic elements.

Thomas Matthew Crooks was the name that hit the headlines of recent times due to some tragic incidents that surrounded the attempted assassination of the former President Donald Trump. A deep insight into the life of Crooks and one incident which shook the entire nation, leaving several questions behind. We aim to create a knowledgeable and SEO-optimized piece that would boast the top ratings in search engine results by offering value and information to readers.

Who Was Thomas Matthew Crooks?

Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, was quiet but very smart, former classmates and neighbors said. He had a sound academic background: he was given the prestigious $500 “Star Award” from the National Math and Science Initiative, based on his performance at Bethel Park High School, where he graduated in 2022.

Despite being such a stellar student, Crooks never went to a four-year university but, instead, worked at a nursing home while continuing to live with his parents-a decision that really surprised a lot of people who knew him because his SAT scores were good enough to get into elite Ivy League schools.

The Incident Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

On July 13, 2024, he sent shockwaves across the country when he opened fire on Donald Trump, who was holding a rally in Butler, PA. With an AR-15 rifle, Crooks climbed onto the roof of a nearby manufacturing plant and fired several shots in the direction of the former president. 

Fortunately, no one was hurt, and Crooks was quickly neutralized by Secret Service agents.

It was an unusual act by the young man who had never been in trouble with the law, neither accused of committing any crimes nor violent acts. There were many questions that came along with the event such as why Crooks would have done such a cruel and most violent act.

Investigating the Motive What Led to This Tragedy?

Considering the background of this case, one of the biggest mysteries can be considered the motive that drove him to take such an extreme step. Initial investigations by the FBI had revealed startling internet searches by Crooks, pointing to a fascination with historical assassins like Lee Harvey Oswald. Some reports have said he was suffering from major depressive disorder, which might have led to this extreme decision.

But until now, investigators have not provided any explanation about what motivates Crooks to target Trump. Though Crooks once donated money to a liberal voter turnout group, no apparent evidence exists that his attack was politically motivated. His actions remain highly scrutinized as the investigation unfolds.

The Role of Crooks’ Family Did They Know?

One critical important aspect in the investigation involves the Crooks family, most importantly his father, Matthew Crooks. To begin with, the rifle that was used in his attack belonged to his father; hence, it also led the FBI to probe if his parents knew what he was planning to do.

Matthew Crooks, 52, a social worker, has since hired one of the best legal teams in town to represent himself and his wife. Neighbors added that guns were a rather normal thing in the Crooks household, with Thomas and his father frequently visiting local shooting ranges.

While the FBI has not implicated the parents so far, there is still a query as to whether they knew of their son’s plan or if they played any part in facilitating the attack. This angle of investigation is still alive and could lead to further legal developments.

Aftermath What Comes Next?

After the attempted assassination, several guns, explosives, and electronic devices were found in the Crooks family home, which may give a clearer view of how the unfolding of Crooks‘ mental condition and motivation for the attack came to be.

Even as the F.B.I. has pieced the puzzle together bit by bit, members of the Crooks family have kept silent for the most part, letting their attorneys do the talking. As legal experts say, such an investigation could take several months because law enforcement agencies must examine every shred of evidence to determine whether others related to the case should be indicted.


The case of Thomas Matthew Crooks, much like the earlier incident involving Henry Bakeman, served as a jolting reminder that life may be filled with an eruption of happenings that spread over the country. A quiet, hitherto young man, shining bright academically, did the most unconscionable thing, which no one could explain, and had finally carried out an act of violence that will now be tied inextricably to his name.

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